Ginger Lily Florists
Ginger Lily Florists are a bright, welcoming modern local florist based in the vibrant city of Brighton and Hove providing a personal touch. We offer a wide range of the finest quality fresh flowers in both Traditional & Contemporary styles for Wedding Flowers, flowers for Civil Ceremonies, Christening Flowers, Birthday Flowers & Celebration Flowers. Our reputation for providing a full Funeral floral service is one of the best in the industry. We also do beautiful floral arrangements and standing flower orders for Homes and Businesses. If you want to send flowers to a special person in the Brighton area, Ginger Lily Florists are a local and trusted florist who you can rely on.
Why do you support the Living Wage?
I already pay my staff above the Living Wage, but it is good to show community support in order to encourage other businesses to come on board.